1 Million Points: Kentucky Derby Future Wager Show Pool

March 27-29

Think you can only cash if your Future Wager horse wins the Kentucky Derby? Think again!

Place your wagers into the 4th Kentucky Derby Future Wager pool with TwinSpires this weekend and you could win or split 1 Million Points if your horse runs third or better on the first Saturday in May.

Just place your Future Wagers on any named contender - horses 1-23 - for exactly $15 to Win and you're automatically entered into the pool. If your Future Wager pick finishes first, second or third in the Derby, you will split a 1 Million Points prize with all other winners on TwinSpires.

Official Winners Announced (Click Here)

Click for FREE PPs for the 4th Future Wager Pool

How to Play

  • Place a $15 Win wager on any one of the 23 named contenders (1 - 23) in Kentucky Derby Future Wager Pool #4, March 27 - 29.
  • Only a player's first $15 Win wager on a single horse will count in the contest.
  • Multi-horse (boxed) wagers are not permitted.
  • Entry #24 - The Field - is not eligible for contest play.

How to Win

  • The 1 Million Points prize will be divided equally between all players who place a $15 Win wager on any Future Wager horse (1 - 23) that finishes third or better in the 2015 Kentucky Derby.

Results will be announced on or before Monday, May 4. Points prizes will be credited on or before Wednesday, May 6.