Delta Downs

When is Delta Downs open?

  • October 2019 through February 2020
    • Wednesday through Saturday either 4:55pm or 5:55pm CT
  • April 2020 through July 2020
    • Wednesday through Saturday either 5:15pm or 6:15pm CT

About Delta Downs Race Track

  • Main track dimensions: 6 furlong oval with two chutes
    • 550-yard (QH) 1 1/16-mile (TB) chute
    • 5-furlong chute
  • The track surface is a mixture of sand (from the Sabine river) and clay with a limestone base
  • Length of stretch: 660 feet
  • Width of stretch: 80 feet
  • Width of backstretch and turns: 70 feet
  • Track is banked with a 5% rise down the straight-a-way and 10% incline on turns
  • Maximum field size is 10
  • There are 22 barns with 60 stalls in each
  • There are 10 tack rooms in each barn

Past promotions and events

Let-8-Ride Delta Downs Results Archive

Week of 3/2 - 3/5

Day/DateLive PlayersTrack/RaceBet Amt.ResultsPrizeWinners
Wed. 3/2---Delta 8$8 Win#9 paid $17.60None51
Thurs. 3/351Delta 8$70 Win#6 paid $2.80None37
Fri. 3/437Delta 8$98 Win#7 paid $6.00Insurance Pays $5009
Sat. 3/59Delta 8$294 Win#8 paid $4.00Jackpot Pays $1,0007

Saturday Results: 7 players made the required contest wager and will split the $1,000 jackpot. 3 players bet on #8 and parlayed their initial $8 into $730.86!

Friday Results: 9 players picked the winning horse and are eligible for Saturday's contest wager.  They must make a $294 Win bet on a single horse in race 8 tonight.  24 players made the required contest wager and lost.  They will each split the $500 insurance payout.

Week of 2/24 - 2/27

Day/DateLive PlayersTrack/RaceBet Amt.ResultsPrizeWinners
Wed. 2/24---Delta 8$8 Win#5 paid $6.00None134
Thurs. 2/25134Delta 8$24 Win#1 paid $10.20None21
Fri. 2/2621Delta 8$122 Win#2 paid $5.40Insurance Pays $5004
Sat. 2/274Delta 8$329 Win#1 paid $11.80Jackpot Pays $1,0004

Saturday's Results: All four eligible players made the required contest wager and will split the $1000 Jackpot prize.  Charles S. bet on #1 and parlayed his initial $8 into $1,862! Congrats Charles!

Friday's Results: 13 players made the required contest wager and lost.  They will each split the $500 Insurance.  4 players bet on #2 and remain eligible for today's Jackpot.  They will need to place a $329 Win bet on a single horse in Race 8.

Week of 2/17 - 2/20

Day/DateLive PlayersTrack/RaceBet Amt.ResultsPrizeWinners
Wed. 2/17---Delta 8$8 Win#8 paid $12.20None77
Thurs. 2/1877Delta 8$48 Win#1 paid $10.80None11
Fri. 2/1911Delta 8$259 Win#6 paid $7.40Insurance Pays $5000
Sat. 2/200Delta 8GameOverJackpot Pays $1,000 

Friday Results: 7 players made the required $259 Win bet in Friday's round.  They will split the $500 insurance payout.

Week of 2/10 - 2/13

Day/DateLive PlayersTrack/RaceBet Amt.ResultsPrizeWinners
Wed. 2/10---Delta 8$8 Win#7 paid $3.80None137
Thurs. 2/11137Delta 8$15 WinRace CanceledNone137
Fri. 2/12137Delta 8$15 Win#4 paid $6.20Insurance Pays $50038
Sat. 2/1338Delta 8$46 Win#2 paid $16.60Jackpot Pays $1,0005

Friday's Results: 89 players lost their $15 Win bet and earned $5.61 each. 38 players advanced to Saturday's round. They must make a $46 Win bet on a single horse to qualify for a share of the $1,000 Jackpot.

Saturday's Results: 32 players placed the required $46 Win bet and earned $31.25 each. 5 hit their win bet for $381.80.

Week of 2/3 - 2/6

Day/DateLive PlayersTrack/RaceBet Amt.ResultsPrizeWinners
Wed. 2/3---Delta 8$8 Win#5 paid $6.60None115
Thurs. 2/4115Delta 8$26 Win#9 paid $22.80None5
Fri. 2/55Delta 8$296 Win#4 paid $8.20Insurance Pays $5001
Sat. 2/61Delta 8$1,213 Win#1 paid $6.80Jackpot Pays $1,0000

Saturday's Results: Robert B. "Let-8-Ride" with a $1,213 Win bet in race 8.  He did not pick the winner, but for making it to Saturday and placing an official contest wager he has won the $1,000 Jackpot payout.  Congrats Robert!

Friday's Results: Robert B. made the required bet and picked the winner! He is eligible to "Let-8-Ride" in the 8th race at Delta Downs tonight.  4 other players made the required bet and lost.  They will each split the $500 Insurance payout.

Week of 1/27 - 1/30

Day/DateLive PlayersTrack/RaceBet Amt.ResultsPrizeWinners
Wed. 1/27---Delta 8$8 Win#3 paid $5.20None117
Thurs. 1/28117Delta 8$20 Win#1 paid $16.50None2
Fri. 1/292Delta 8$164 Win#5 paid $6.20Insurance Pays $5000
Sat. 1/300Delta 8TBATBAJackpot Pays $1,000 

Friday's Results: Clifton H. made the $164 Win bet required and lost. He will recieve the $500 Insurance payout.  No players remain alive for Saturday's Jackpot race.

Week of 1/20 - 1/23

Day/DateLive PlayersTrack/RaceBet Amt.ResultsPrizeWinners
Wed. 1/20---Delta 8$8 Win#10 paid $8.20None87
Thurs. 1/2187Delta 8$32 Win#1 paid $4.60None16
Fri. 1/2216Delta 8$73 Win#7 paid $4.80Insurance Pays $5007
Sat. 1/237Delta 8$175 Win#6 paid $25.00Jackpot Pays $1,0000-6 players split pot.

Friday's Results: 7 players made the required $73 Win bet and lost. They will each split the $500 Insurance pay out.  7 players picked the winner and are still alive for the Jackpot tonight:

Saturday's Results: 6 players made the required $175 bet and lost. They will each split the $1,000 Jackpot.

Week of 1/13 - 1/16

Day/DateLive PlayersTrack/RaceBet Amt.ResultsPrizeWinners
Wed. 1/13---Delta 8$8 Win#2 paid $7.40None79
Thurs. 1/1479Delta 8$29 Win#8 paid $15.60None10
Fri. 1/1510Delta 8$226 Win#2 paid $5.00Insurance Pays $5002
Sat. 1/162Delta 8$565 Win#3 paid $20.20Jackpot Pays $1,0000 - 2 players played and lost

Friday's Results: 5 players made the required $226 Win bet and lost. Each receives a credit of $100.

Saturday's Results: 2 players (Steven L. and Greg L. made the required $565 Win bet and lost. They will split the $1,000 Jackpot and each receive a credit of $500.

Week Of 1/6 - 1/9

Day/DateLive PlayersTrack/RaceBet Amt.ResultsPrizeWinners
Wed. 1/6---Delta 8$8 Win#4 paid $4.00None86
Thurs. 1/786Delta 8$16 Win#2 paid $4.80None41
Fri. 1/841Delta 8$38 Win#9 paid $47.00Insurance Pays $5001
Sat. 1/91Delta 8$893 Win$4 paid $6.00Jackpot Pays $1,0000

Friday's Results: 40 players placed the required $38 Win bet and lost. Each received a credit of $12.50.

Saturday's Results: Cary W. placed the required $893 Win bet and lost, but receives the $1,000 Jackpot for playing.

Week Of 12/30 - 1/2

Day/DateLive PlayersTrack/RaceBet Amt.ResultsPrizeWinners
Wed. 12/30---Delta 8$8 Win#2 paid $4.40None93
Thurs. 12/3193Delta 8$17 Win#4 paid $32.40None3
Fri. 1/13Delta 8$275 Win#2 paid $5.80Insurance Pays $500 to Josh S.2
Sat. 1/22Delta 8$797 Win$4 paid $3.80Jackpot Pays $1,000 to David D. & Wendy D.1

Friday's winner: Josh S. played the required $275 to win. He lost his bet, but claims the full $500 insurance prize.

Saturday's winners: Both David D. and Wendy D. bet the required $797 to Win and will share the $1,000 Jackpot prize. David D. had the winner that returned $1,514.30 on his $797 Win bet.