Eb Netr

Eb Netr is my pen name. I went to the dog track for the first time in the late 70′s and fell in love with greyhounds and greyhound racing. Since then, I've been to most of the tracks in the US. have published a newsletter, and worked on developing handicapping systems to help other handicappers pick more winners and make more money. While I believe that almost anyone can pick winners at the track by investing time and effort, I think most people go to the track for entertainment, not to get rich. Of course, entertainment is more fun when we can pick some winners and go away with a little more than we arrived at the track with. My book and my reasonably priced handicapping systems are an attempt to make profitable greyhound handicapping affordable for everyone. Greyhound, thoroughbred and harness racing have brought me a lot of enjoyment over the years. My advice to anyone who likes to play the dogs or the horses is simple. Don't let it take over your life or make you neglect the people in your life. Don't spend more than you can comfortably afford to lose. Most of all, enjoy it and give something back to the dogs. Maybe even adopt a retired greyhound or a thoroughbred if you have the room, money and love for them.

Greyhound Handicapping With Quick Picks for 12/4/2013

Wed Dec 04 2013Eb Netr

One of my favorite spot plays is something I call the Quick Pick. It doesn't happen on every program, but when it does, and when the other bettors don't realize it, you can really cash some nice win tickets. Here's how to "spot" this spot play. Let' ...
Harness Handicapping Odds And Ends

Wed Dec 04 2013Eb Netr

                    Some of the trainers and drivers have low stats, if you look at them separately. But when you look at the Trackmaster stats for how they do together, the win percent ...
Harness Races For Week of December 6, 2013

Wed Dec 04 2013Eb Netr

                    Meadowlands: Reynolds Division - $58,000 - 3YO C & G Pace Meadowlands: Reynolds Division - $50,000 - 3YO F Pace Woodbine Raceway: Valedictory Final - $40,000 - ...
Race Preview The Meadowlands: $512,000 TVG Free For All Series Championship on Saturday November 30, 2013

Fri Nov 29 2013Eb Netr

Can the Captain prevail against older champions? That's the question that will be answered when Captaintreacherous goes up against older world champion horses in Saturday's $512,000 TVG FFA Series Championship at The Meadowlands. With rivals like ...
Upcoming Harness Races For The Week Of November 29, 2013

Wed Nov 27 2013Eb Netr

                    Meadowlands: Governor's Cup Final - $510,000 - 2 YO C & G Pace Meadowlands: Meadowlands FFA Final - $500,000 - 3YO UP Open Pace Meadowlands: Meadowlands FFA Fi ...
Harness Handicapping From Start To Finish

Wed Nov 27 2013Eb Netr

                      There's money to be made on races for younger horses, but you have to play them differently than the races for older horses. Always keep speed in mind and ne ...
Greyhound Handicapping - Big Steps

Wed Nov 27 2013Eb Netr

                  I like to give Maiden winners one or two races in J to get their sea legs, so to speak. I don't hold it against them if they run at the back of the pack in their first race ...
Race Preview Orange Park: 2013 Jacksonville Juvenile Stakes on Friday Evening, November 22nd

Fri Nov 22 2013Eb Netr

The young guns will be out in force at Orange Park on Friday evening, November 22nd, for the running of the Jacksonville Juvenile Stakes. The seven stakes races are races 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 15. It's a mix of grades and abilities, but these pups ...
Greyhound Handicapping - If The Shoe Fits

Wed Nov 20 2013Eb Netr

                    I bought a pair of shoes the other day. They felt fine in the store when I tried them on, but when I brought them home and walked around in them for a few days, they didn ...
Harness Handicapping Just For Fun With A Simple System

Wed Nov 20 2013Eb Netr

                      Sometimes, we just don't have time to handicap or we don't want to. Even the most serious handicapper has those days when he or she just wants to put twenty dolla ...
Upcoming Harness Races For The Week of November 22nd Through November 28th 2013

Wed Nov 20 2013Eb Netr

                Dover Downs: Progress Pace Elim - $35,000 - 3YO Open Pace Dover Downs: DSBF 2nd Leg - $20,000 - 2YO C & G Pace Dover Downs: DSBF 2nd Leg - $20,000 - 2YO F Pace   Monda ...
Race Preview Dover Downs: Matron Finals on Sunday November 17, 2013

Sat Nov 16 2013Eb Netr

There are eight Matron Finals on the card at Dover Downs on Sunday, November 17th. Some of the entries raced against each other in Breeders Crown races and in other stakes. One, Sunshine Beach, beat Captaintreacherous and ran second to him in their B ...
Upcoming Harness Races For November 15th Through November 21st

Wed Nov 13 2013Eb Netr

                Dover Downs: Matron Final - $173,000 - 3YO C & G Pace Dover Downs: Matron Final - $165,000 - 2YO C & G Pace Dover Downs: Matron Final - $160,000 - 2YO F Pace Dover Downs: ...