We'll DOUBLE your first winning Daily Double on Saturday!
Have you tried a Daily Double? This Saturday is the perfect time to try the bet than can pay big bucks for small stakes, and there are hundreds of chance each day to win. We’re offering to DOUBLE your first Daily Double winnings on Saturday, July 11.
Place your bets in the normal way and we will add a 100% bonus to the winnings of your first successful Daily Double.
This is an OPT-IN promotion so you must complete the form below to register, if you are on a mobile or tablet device you can register here.
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- Players must register through this claim form in order to be eligible for the bonus.
- Accurately enter your BetAmerica username in the field above (if in doubt log-in to BetAmerica to check).
- Your first winning Daily Double (by time of bet placed) will have it's winnings doubled; winnings are total returns less stake.
- Maximum bonus is $200 per person.
- You must register before 11:59 PM PT on Saturday, July 11.
- Credits will be added to accounts on Monday, July 13 by 11am PT.
- All Daily Double bets PLACED from 3am ET to 11:59pm PT count for this promotion.