Harness Preview: Picks and Horses to Watch Nov. 9-13

Selected features, stakes coverage, and the never-ending TwinSpires horses-to-watch list (H2W) share keys to success in exotics, win, place, and show payoffs.
Thursday, Nov. 9
Mohawk Miles present probable outsiders for any wager offered.
R3—P L Robert G; Kadabra-bred gets another shot.
R7—Brooklyn Strong; Also eligible could be a terror if draws in.
R9—Shakeitifyougotit; Strong finish at 15-1 with a better spot here.
Thursday, Nov. 9
3fT $141k—A duo here should offer a strong exotic payoff. Heaven Hanover was all out in the Breeders Crown (BC) and could get the trip of her life. Call Me Goo is just about back home where her sire starred (Googoo Gaagaa land) and is hot right now after a big win at Hoosier.
3cT $127k—Leaving from the 8 hole may not be such a chore for Air Power. He is pure class and was all out in the BC against greater competition than here. As well, Gaines Hanover also brings class to the event and may offer a terrific prize to topple a crowd choice.
3fP $117k—Another BC co-star and Ron Burke student may also surprise the crowd. Mcseaside is on course to take down someone in her division, in this case, the bloated earner Twin B Joe Fresh. Rank outsider Rec Time should also make an impression here. These three would complement exotic prices in various placings.
3cP $170k—Let’s all sing: “He beat ‘em before and he can beat ‘em again . . . “ Confederate. As a key for exotics, crisscross the two longest shots behind him for a triple. Or pass while making note you are in the presence of one mighty and historic pacing colt.
Thursday, Nov. 9
Potomic Pace
Two outcomes depend on one horse: Tattoo Artist. No one saw him coming, so to speak, when the season started, but since mid-season, the aged pacer division has made handicapping his race performance moot and wagering on him risky. Any attempt to forecast a loss here takes some doing. Even as a key-win bet for exotics, the profit motive is immeasurable. That being noted, if you must place hope above possibility, make the small wager a dream where Allywag Hanover gets a trip that equals his defeat over Bulldog Hanover.
Friday, Nov. 10
Powerful Plays
Hoosier—Races 10, 11. 12, 13
Race 10 offers a Pick 4 that is a good target for some outside contenders. Here are our probable contenders that could make the multi-race wager valuable as well as the single-race exotics.
Leg 1—Luv Lorelei has had some rough trips but here she may be able to pick up strong cover and let loose late. Ghostintheshell S chased BC foes to make the final and needs attention here.
Leg 2—Tellmeaboutit should return to his performance two back and score at a price.
Leg 3—Sure Thing Herman’s last race is a toss-out effort; judged by his Hoosier Opens before that put him in the thick of this and should go off higher than most Cullipher-trained entrees.
Leg 4—Ron Burke’s Francis Underwood was sharp two back and ready to score but was stifled by a bad post in a big field and still gained ground late. In this group, he should be offered a stronger path and offer a good price for a Burke battler. Truffle Dog should race better in this mess of a field.
Horses to watch (H2W) are strong contenders evaluated from overnight-race charts (including qualifiers), replays, and trainers’ current win percentages. Each horse appears in two consecutive lists if it does not win on its first listing.
H2W horses are suggested for win, place, show (across the board) wagering, and to be included in exotic combinations.
Exactas listed in H2W results reflect an H2W horse finishing second to a race favorite or if the first two finishers were on the list, when an asterisk appears for cold exactas. The note “ok” determines prices are correct when a show price exceeds the place price or all three prices are identical.
Some results reflect horses racing after preview blog posts and appear the following week. As well, some horses will not appear a second time when their first time is followed by a race at a non-pari-mutuel fair. They will get a second time on the list when returning to a betting race.
11/9/23, Momentsthatmatter R3; +Major Crocker A R4; Key Advisor R4; Busboy Hanover R6
11/13/23, +Bo Breeze R9
11/10/23, Getaway R2; +Reachin For Heaven R5; +Bee Aware R10
11/11/23, +Town Gossip R8
11/10/23, +Century Jamila R6; Bank Sea R10
11/9/23, Mantador R1; Cartier Zette R3; Hillbillypacinhill R7; Splendid R 12
11/10/23, Walkin Papers R7; +Bet On Zette R10
11/9/23, +The Right Time R5; +Broadway Strong ae R7
11/9/23, Go Randy Go R3; Dunes Beach R6; Little Guy R7
11/12/23, +Sea Rose R15; Royalty’s Dreamer R15
11/10/23, +Swan Leader R5; +Cruisin Thru Time R8
11/9/23, Brother James R1; Perfect Passion R4
11/9/23, Duplicated N R3
11/10/23, Hilaria R5
11/9/23, A Major Attitude R2; +Capital Builder R8; +Redwood Again R8; Always B Magic R9; +Franzo R10
11/11/23, Thisjetsabookin R2; Herrickroosevelt N R5; JM Jet Set R7; Kill A Dragon R8
11/11/23, Caviart Reagan R2; Pardonnez-moi R4; Bully Boy R7
11/10/23, Better Watch It R3
11/13/23, Cross Creek R13