How to build a Churchill Downs Single 6 Jackpot ticket

TwinSpires Staff

June 25th, 2019

If not hit Thursday or Friday, there will be a significant mandatory distribution of the Single 6 Jackpot on closing day of the Churchill Downs Spring/Summer meet on Saturday. With a 20-cent minimum cost for each combination, getting involved in the Single 6 mandatory payout is well within the reach of players with even the humblest of budgets. Pooling your capital with one or more people is also another fun way to increase your chances of cashing while spreading the risk. However, like other multi-race exotics, there are good ways and bad ways in formulating tickets. With a low minimum cost, the enticement might be there to include as many horses as possible in each leg of the Single 6 sequence – an extreme form of a "caveman" ticket. There are problems with that approach, not the least of which is the potentiality of reducing your profit margin if too many favorites or other short-price horses win. The worst case scenario would be hitting the Single 6 having invested more into the wager than you get in return. The primary key in creating any successful multi-race exotic ticket is the ability to take a stand in one or more races with the minimum amount of horses while spreading out in races that seem more contentious and wide open. With it being closing day and field sizes likely to be very large, finding "singles" during the Single 6 sequence could prove challenging, but sharp handicapping will potentially reward those players who can find them while expanding coverage in races that don't seem as clear cut. If singles are hard to come by in the opinion of some bettors participating in the Single 6, the low minimum cost of the wager affords players the leeway of using an extra horse without busting the bankroll. Using two horses or less in as many races as possible is ideal, especially if avoiding altogether heavy favorites or vulnerable short-priced contenders everyone else is using. Another ideal scenario is defeating a favorite, if possible, in the first leg. The only race in the sequence where bettors can see the actual win odds, beating the first favorite in the Single 6 is a great beginning as it significantly reduces the number of live tickets remaining. Indeed, latching onto several higher-priced winners early and being live to a number of scenarios (whether short-priced or not) later in the sequence can be the best of all worlds.