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TwinSpires is proud to offer wagering on Sweden’s V86, a 5-cent Pick 8 that routinely out-handles any non-carryover, multi-race wager in the United States. The V86 is held every Wednesday, starting at 1:30 p.m. ET. Advance wagering opens every Monday, look for "SWE V86” on the track menu. Get all the information you need to bet the V86 below, including tips from the experts in Sweden.
V86 Highlights Free Betting Information
Minimum Bet: 5 cents
Average Pool: $2,500,000
Bet Type: Pick 8
Payoffs: To 8, 7 and 6 winners
Betting opens: Every Monday
Betting closes: Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. Eastern Time

Free Track Program
How to Read the Track Program
Race Analysis with A-B-C Rankings
Morning Line Odds
Race Results and Payouts


V86 Payout Structure: 40% (8 of 8 winners) / 20% (7 of 8) / 40% (6 of 8)
V86 Jackpots: If there are no tickets with 8 winners, or if the consolation prize for tickets selecting 7 or 6 winners is less than $2.00, the corresponding pool is carried over to the next week to form a "V86 Jackpot." On a V86 Jackpot day, the pool that carries over from the previous week is added exclusively to the 8 of 8 payout. On Jackpot days the total pool can approach $4,000,000.